

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:私营有限责任公司
    成立时间:2014 年
  • 公司地址: 广东省 潮州市 湘桥区 凤新街道 广东潮州市湘桥区凤新街道大新乡社道路8号北侧1-3层厂房
  • 姓名: 谢承茂
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    厂家******位太阳能网面带夜光充电电蚊拍 承信牌电蚊拍

  • 所属行业:小家电 家居小家电 电蚊拍
  • 发布日期:2015-12-21
  • 阅读量:197
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东潮州湘桥区凤新街道  
  • 关键词:充电电蚊拍,**充电电蚊拍,**位充电电蚊拍,夜光充电电蚊拍,面带充电电蚊拍

    厂家******位太阳能网面带夜光充电电蚊拍 承信牌电蚊拍详细内容

    网面外圈用ABS塑料。 网面内架用PP塑料。半透明五角星图案。带夜光。 手柄用ABS材料。白色。 网3层网。中间是铝片,为正极。两边是菱形钢网,为地较,密度1.2*2公分。 主板采用一体化设计,自激高频振荡,3倍压放大电路。质量稳定。 产品长度51公分 产品宽度21公分特点产品重量260克 充电插头圆插或扁插电源充电,或太阳能直射下充电。 照明灯有。 手电灯没有。 起订量50条。 交货期5天。 充电电压100V-240V  充电频率50-60HZ 充电电流45MA **充电15小时 充电时间10小时参数电池4V铅酸电池。400MA 工作电流300MA 网面电压3500-4000V 技术标准按广东省企业产品执行标准. 产品认证CE/ROHS 产地证有 单个包装PVC袋包装。(有需要可以做吸塑纸卡包装,价格大慨增加3元)。 纸箱包装25条装一小箱,2小箱合一大件。 毛重19公斤包装净重16公斤 包装尺寸67*30*57公分(0.115立方) 20柜装量220件。合11000条。 40柜装量440件。合22000条。 40高柜装量570件。合28500条。温馨提醒:关于退换货:买家主观原因退换货,买家需要承担全部来回邮费,并确保不影响二次销售。否则我们有权拒绝退货*,如果有质量问题,需要提供照明材料如视频或者照片跟我们客服确认,人为损坏和快递邮寄损坏(签收包裹前确认包装完好,如果有破损,请拒签并及时电话告知0768-6881897,我们会要求快递索赔,再给您补发,如果签收就视为产品完好)),买家使用不当造成人为损害,不在退换货之列。
    》整件外箱尺寸:72X52X29cm  毛重:16.5Kg
    Product Profile
    Harmless, Friendly-environmental, Odorless and Convenient
    A Better Partner for Your Family Camping, Canteen serving and Breeding!
    1. Product Features
    1) Function: eradication of mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches as well as lighting
    2) Nominal capacity of up to 400mAh
    3) Battery life: long and used cycle charging for up to 2000 times.
    4) Charging voltage: the power net reaches 2800-4000V at AC110-220V  50-60Hz
    5) Protective power switch for enhanced safety
    6) An energy-saving, effective and ultra long-life rice LED for lighting
    2. Usage
    1)Charging: Move the switch onto the“Off”position, press the AC plug button down and stretch it out, and then plug it into anAC110-220V socket. The indicator is on, which means your electronic mosquito swatter is charging and finishes till 8-10 hours. When all are down the plug should be moved back into the handle cover in case of a current backflow or an electric shock.
    2) Methods for mosquito eradication and lighting: Move the switch onto the“Off”position and then press the button in the middle. The indictor is on, which means the metal net is working at a high voltage. No touch on it is allowed at the time. You should hold tightly the handle of the swatter and wield it in the air to mesh mosquitoes or flies. After the operation, you should loosen the button. The indicator is off, which means the net is power off. When the switch is on, the rice LED is on. Lighting and wielding can work together.
    3)Used time: Fully charged, your electric mosquito swatter can be used for 10-15 days, and LED bead lighting can be used for about 25 hours.
    4)When yourelectric mosquito swatter is not used for a long time, it shall be charged for 8 hours at three-month interval, in case the cycle life might be reduced.
    3. Safety
    1 )This product should be kept away form children.
    2 )Your charging power supply and socket should be installed in compliance with the safety specification
    3 )This product should be kept away from any flammable and explosive when is being charged and the time for charging is less than 24 hours. It is suggested that it should be charged on the day.
    4 )When this product is charged,the switch shall not be moved or the power net shall not be touched in case of a burnout happening to the LED bead or any internal power component or in case of an electric shock.
    5  )When this product is charged, the power net shall be faced downward in case it might be done upward.
    6  )This product cannot be used at a site where flammable and explosive gases or liquids are stored, and the net surface shall not be touched with any metal conductive material
    7 )This product cannot be showered or wetted, and you may slightly brush the power net to drop off all mosquito corpses or any furry cuts over it.
    产品规格 : 21x52cm ;
    颜色 : 红/绿/橙 ;
    上市时间 : 2014年5月 ;
    重量 : 260克/支 ;
    适用面积 : 150平米以上 ;
    型号 : CX-018T ;
    产品类别 : 电蚊拍 ;
    货号 : CX-018T ;
    ** : 承信 ;

    欢迎来到潮州市承信电器有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省潮州市湘桥区广东潮州市湘桥区凤新街道大新乡社道路8号北侧1-3层厂房,老板是谢承茂。 主要经营电蚊拍,充电蚊拍,蚊拍,苍蝇拍,干电池蚊拍。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司专注于小家电 家居小家电 电蚊拍 等产品,*特工艺设计,先进的设备,良好的人才,丰富的经验,满足你要求的前提下更快的完成订单!别犹豫了,赶紧来电咨询订购!